Making my Caravan my Home

The caravan has been an ongoing evolution of redecoration since moving into it 7 months ago. From it's unique but standard caravan to making it into my safe haven called home. 

The caravan originally could sleep up to two people, with a bunk bed at the back end and then the kitchen table props up to the two benches making it another bunk bed. 
The caravan in its original state

My son's first night on his bunk bed (He may not look like it in this pic, but he was super excited)

Before I made the double bed, I would sleep on the far bunk and my son slept by the door where the table is added to join the benches.
As you can see through the pictures I have made a pull out tiny double bed and put my own personal touches in this space. Again it has changed slightly and will probably do so again as I work around how to make it comfy but yet usefully efficient.

The double bed is a slide out and basically a plank of wood with filing cabinets to support the base.  I am no carpenter so being smart is my suggestion, plus the cabinets double as a storage unit. 

This caravan can now sleep 3.

# Best advice for living in a tiny caravan, or any caravan, make sure you have a comfortable mattress.  I bought sponges from Para Rubber who sell thick mattresses and square sponges.
