
Showing posts from June, 2017

My Garden while I'm Caravan Living NZ

When I was living in my house, the one thing I was really proud of was my little garden I would get ready around this time of year for our Spring and Summer vegetables.  Now living in my caravan and camper on the road, other than herbs there wasn't a way to garden, and growing your own saves you so much money over the Christmas New Years season. This is where I had to think outside the box???? My work, we have a back part, not beautiful, never used, just sits there.  So I asked my work, do you mind if I start planting vegetables in a portable pop up's out the back. Yay, my work were stoked, and looks like it could become a thing. Giving up the house life doesn't mean you have to give up on everything you had, you just have to get creative.  I've started off with two planters, with a bit of lettuce, parsley, kale, silverbeat, just to kick it off.  Next week it will be potatoes, tomatoes, cucumber and more.  I'm even going to try a little herb ga...

The Freedom of Freedom Camping

Freedom Camping aka Boon Docking, is it great? Sure or does it Suck when that is your life? Yip can do to.  I'm not going to lie, it can be challenging but then the environment and views where I just pull up to stay gives me that sense of freedom and peace. I've been house sitting at my mothers, still in my caravan and camper for the past month and have 2 weeks left, I am itching to get back on the road.  While its been the cooler weather it has been nice to have a stable place to stay and its easier not to have to get up early to move before going to work.  I am looking forward to being back on the road.  The views, smells, fresh air, I cant wait. At my Mothers I do love my tiny home and its been nice under the carport but its time to hit the road Have you ever felt relieved and at peace in a certain place where you just feel rested.  Well that's me on the road parked by the beach for the night. That's my freedom, that's my happy place....

Making my Caravan my Home

The caravan has been an ongoing evolution of redecoration since moving into it 7 months ago. From it's unique but standard caravan to making it into my safe haven called home.  The caravan originally could sleep up to two people, with a bunk bed at the back end and then the kitchen table props up to the two benches making it another bunk bed.  The caravan in its original state My son's first night on his bunk bed (He may not look like it in this pic, but he was super excited) Before I made the double bed, I would sleep on the far bunk and my son slept by the door where the table is added to join the benches. As you can see through the pictures I have made a pull out tiny double bed and put my own personal touches in this space. Again it has changed slightly and will probably do so again as I work around how to make it comfy but yet usefully efficient. The double bed is a slide out and basically a plank of wood with filing cabinets to support the base....

Beginning of my Caravan Living in NZ

Kia ora from Caravan Living NZ December 2016 I had to move from my rental, with the shortage of rental homes and constant competition from other potential tenants, there was no choice but to move into my tiny caravan.  I'm a mother of a teen and a tween, cat and a dog, how was I to do this?  With the support of family and the teen wanting to live with my mother I was feeling luckier than others that I had my own caravan I decided to give up on the search to pay off someone's mortgage and I was to give living in a caravan a go to save.  6 months later, here I am, and I love it. Follow my blog and I'll give you the honest truth of how it is to live in this tiny space, advice on making a small space your home, travelling on the road, cooking - oh yes cooking in such a small space, gardening, just sharing my experiences on the good and the not so great living in a caravan.  Oh and I decided to buy a campervan also, so really I have two rooms :) ...