
Showing posts from January, 2018

Farewell 2017 & Kia ora 2018

I would just like to acknowledge and say Haere Ra 2017. You have given me strength, taught me about living in the moment and  appreciation. What I'm grateful about 2017 is living on the road, then moving onto a site during winter, creating memories, letting got of stuff, having $0 debt, becoming independent and having my family around me. 2017 you have been pretty awesome considering I was scared in the beginning, but we have ended the year in the most care free, awesomeness, true to myself, confident way with a vision of 2018 looking very bright. How did I enter 2018, well take a look at the pics. Freedom camped it - Happy New YearπŸŽ‰πŸŽ†πŸ’™